Friday, April 15, 2005

Papal conclave in

Don't miss it.

That's right we've had reports that there will be a secret meeting of the Papal Conclave up at Dewey Howard's place on Poverty Branch Road, April 16.

Just think those cardinals and the like parading about in all of their finery up at Dewey's!.

Dewey's wife Effie plans to reap the benefits. She's made a number of votive candles from bee's wax. She's also made lots of good eats. A tasty stew with squirrel and rabbit "Hotter than Hell Lapin a La Rodent". And her biscuits slightly thinner than usual- "Homey Hosts of Hominey". Oooooo oui!

The local volunteer fire department will be selling wild boar barbeque.

Hank Sterne has been banging out Our Lady of Rockview memorial medals in his blacksmith shop.

And don't miss Miss Becky Smith's weaving extravaganza. She's been busy weaving yards of fabric which have odd stains. She's selling these "shrouds of Democrat" for only $15.95 each.

What a weekend. Don't miss it.

Monks in the meadows and hucksters on the street.